Tupelo 21.04.12
Released under the Eclipse Public License
Tupelo: Clojure With A Spoonful of Honey.
To install, add the following dependency to your project or build file:
[tupelo "21.04.12"]
Public variables and functions:
- array->col-vals
- array->cols
- array->row-vals
- array->rows
- array->str
- col-drop
- col-get
- col-set
- col-vals->array
- cols-append
- diagonal-anti
- diagonal-main
- edn-cols->array
- edn-rows->array
- elem-get
- elem-set
- flip-lr
- flip-ud
- glue-horiz
- glue-vert
- new
- num-cols
- num-rows
- ones
- rotate-left
- rotate-right
- row-drop
- row-get
- row-set
- row-vals->array
- rows-append
- symmetric?
- transpose
- zeros
Public variables and functions:
- Array
- array->col-vals
- array->cols
- array->edn-rows
- array->row-vals
- array->rows
- array->str
- col-drop
- col-get
- col-set
- col-vals->array
- cols-append
- edn-cols->array
- edn-rows->array
- elem-get
- elem-set
- equals
- flip-lr
- flip-ud
- glue-horiz
- glue-vert
- new
- num-cols
- num-rows
- rotate-left
- rotate-right
- row-drop
- row-get
- row-set
- row-vals->array
- rows-append
- symmetric?
- transpose
Convert to/from traditional base64 encoding.
Convert to/from traditional base64url encoding.
Tupelo - Making Clojure even sweeter
Public variables and functions:
- ->lowercase
- ->uppercase
- alpha
- alpha?
- alphanumeric
- alphanumeric?
- char-lower->upper
- char-upper->lower
- code-point-backspace
- code-point-del
- code-point-escape
- code-point-formfeed
- code-point-newline
- code-point-return
- code-point-tab
- code-point-tab-vertical
- digit
- digit?
- hex
- hex?
- lowercase
- lowercase?
- text
- text?
- uppercase
- uppercase?
- visible
- visible-no-dquote
- visible-no-squote
- visible?
- whitespace
- whitespace-eol
- whitespace-eol?
- whitespace-horiz
- whitespace-horiz?
- whitespace?
Tupelo - Making Clojure even sweeter
Public variables and functions:
- *cumulative-val*
- *lazy-gen-buffer-size*
- *spy-enabled*
- *spy-enabled-map*
- ->false
- ->kw
- ->list
- ->map-entry
- ->nil
- ->one
- ->set
- ->sorted-map
- ->sorted-map-generic
- ->sorted-set
- ->sorted-set-generic
- ->str
- ->sym
- ->true
- ->vector
- ->zero
- <>
- all-rel=
- append
- bigdecimal?
- bigint?
- biginteger?
- chan->lazy-seq
- char->codepoint
- char->sym
- chars-thru
- check-spy-enabled
- clip-str
- codepoint->char
- coerce-flatland-ordered->normal-print!
- compare-less
- compare-less-equal
- cond-it->
- const-fn
- construct
- construct-impl
- contains-elem?
- contains-key?
- contains-val?
- cum-val-set-it
- cum-val-set-it-impl
- cum-vector-append
- deep-rel=
- destruct
- discarding-system-err
- discarding-system-out
- dissoc-in
- distinct-using
- drop-at
- drop-if
- edn->json
- exception-message
- exception-stacktrace
- falsey?
- fetch
- fetch-in
- fibo-nth
- fibo-thru
- fibonacci-seq
- first-or-nil
- for-indexed
- for-list
- forv
- fourth-or-nil
- get-in-strict
- get-or-default
- get-or-nil
- glue
- glue-rows
- grab
- has-length?
- has-none?
- has-some?
- idx
- if-java-1-7-plus
- if-java-1-8-plus
- increasing-or-equal?
- increasing?
- indent-lines-with
- index-using
- indexed
- insert-at
- int->kw
- int-neg?
- int-nonneg?
- int-nonpos?
- int-pos?
- int-val?
- is-clojure-1-10-plus?
- is-clojure-1-7-plus?
- is-clojure-1-8-plus?
- is-clojure-1-9-plus?
- is-java-1-7-plus?
- is-java-1-7?
- is-java-1-8-plus?
- is-java-1-8?
- is-pre-clojure-1-10?
- is-pre-clojure-1-8?
- is-pre-clojure-1-9?
- it->
- java-version
- java-version-matches?
- java-version-min?
- json->edn
- keep-if
- keyvals
- keyvals-seq
- kw->int
- kw->str
- kw->sym
- last-or-nil
- lazy-cons
- lazy-gen
- let-some
- let-spy
- let-spy-pretty
- let-spyxx
- list->entries
- list-entries->vec
- list-entry
- list-entry?
- listy?
- macro?
- map-entry
- map-keys
- map-let
- map-let*
- map-list
- map-vals
- MapKeySpec
- matches?
- nl
- nonneg?
- nonpos?
- noop
- not-empty?
- not-nil?
- onlies
- only
- only2
- only2?
- only?
- pair?
- partition-using
- prepend
- prettify
- pretty
- pretty-str
- print-versions
- quad?
- rand-elem
- range-vec
- rel=
- repeat-dims
- replace-at
- rest-or-empty
- rest-or-nil
- restruct
- restruct-all
- second-or-nil
- seq->str
- sequential->idx-map
- set-match-ctx?
- set-match?
- set=
- single?
- snip
- snip*
- SnipCtx
- some-it->
- sorted-map-generic
- sorted-map-via-path
- sorted-set-generic
- source-code-env
- split-match
- split-using
- spy
- spy-indent-reset
- spy-pretty
- spy2-impl
- spydiv
- spyq
- spyx
- spyx-pretty
- spyxx
- starts-with?
- str->chars
- str->kw
- str->sym
- strcat
- sublist
- submap-by-keys
- submap-by-vals
- submap?
- submatch?
- swap-out!
- sym->kw
- sym->str
- take-while-result
- third-or-nil
- thru
- triple?
- truthy?
- try-catchall
- type-name-str
- unlazy
- unnest
- val=
- validate
- validate-map-keys
- validate-or-default
- vals->map
- verify
- walk-maps->sorted
- walk-with-parents
- walk-with-parents-readonly
- when-clojure-1-10-plus
- when-clojure-1-8-plus
- when-clojure-1-9-plus
- when-not-clojure-1-9-plus
- wild-item?
- wild-match-root?
- wild-match?
- wild-submatch?
- with-cum-val
- with-cum-vector
- with-debug-tag
- with-err-str
- with-exception-default
- with-map-vals
- with-nil-default
- with-result
- with-spy-enabled
- with-spy-indent
- with-system-err-str
- with-system-out-str
- with-timer
- with-timer-x
- xbutlast
- xdrop
- xfirst
- xfourth
- xlast
- xmap
- xmap?
- xrest
- xreverse
- xsecond
- xsequential?
- xtake
- xthird
- xvec
- yield
- yield-all
- zip
- zip*
- zip-1*
- zip-lazy
Utils for reading CSV (comma-separated-value) formatted files.
Public variables and functions:
Allows the use of multiple tree structures. Provides tools to create, manipulate, and query the the trees individually and/or collectively.
Public variables and functions:
- *enlive-subtree-buffer-size*
- ->Node
- add-bush
- add-node
- add-tree
- add-tree-edn
- add-tree-enlive
- add-tree-hiccup
- add-tree-html
- add-tree-xml
- all-hids
- attr-get
- attr-remove
- attr-set
- attr-update
- attrs-merge
- attrs-set
- bush->enlive
- bush->hiccup
- bush->tree
- bush-node?
- edn->tree
- enlive->bush
- enlive->hiccup
- enlive->tree
- enlive-node-lax?
- enlive-node-strict?
- filter-enlive-subtrees
- find-hid
- find-hids
- find-hids-with
- find-paths
- find-paths-with
- forest-hid?
- format-path
- format-paths
- has-descendant-with?
- has-descendant?
- hiccup->bush
- hiccup->enlive
- hiccup->tree
- hid->attr
- hid->attrs
- hid->bush
- hid->edn
- hid->enlive
- hid->hiccup
- hid->kids
- hid->leaf
- hid->node
- hid->tree
- hid->value
- HidRootSpec
- html->enlive
- Interceptor
- kids-append
- kids-prepend
- kids-set
- kids-update
- leaf-hid?
- leaf-path?
- new-forest
- new-hid
- Node
- raw-leaf-treenode?
- raw-whitespace-leaf-treenode?
- remove-kids
- remove-path-subtree
- remove-whitespace-leaves
- root-hids
- set-node
- tree->bush
- tree->edn
- tree->enlive
- tree->hiccup
- tree-node?
- valid-forest-leaf?
- valid-forest-node?
- validate-attrs
- validate-forest
- validate-hid
- walk-tree
- whitespace-leaf-hid?
- with-forest
- with-forest-result
- xml->enlive
Tupelo - Clojure With A Spoonful of Honey
Public variables and functions:
- char-alpha
- char-alphanumeric
- char-eol
- char-whitespace
- char-whitespace-eol
- char-whitespace-horiz
- chars-eol+
- constantly
- identifier
- maybe-vec
- rand-nth
- txt-join
- txt-join-space
- vector+
- whitespace
- whitespace+
- whitespace-eol
- whitespace-eol+
- whitespace-horiz
- whitespace-horiz+
- word-alpha
- word-alpha+
- word-alphanumeric
- word-alphanumeric+
- words-alpha
- words-alpha+
- words-alphanumeric
- words-alphanumeric+
Read/Write using DataInputStream/DataOutputStream & InputStream/OutputStream
Public variables and functions:
- ->File
- ->Path
- create-temp-directory
- create-temp-file
- data-input-stream?
- data-output-stream?
- delete-directory-recursive
- delete-file-if-exists
- file-exists?
- File?
- input-stream?
- mkdirs
- mkdirs-parent
- output-stream?
- Path?
- read-byte
- read-byte-unsigned
- read-bytes
- read-double
- read-float
- read-integer
- read-integer-unsigned
- read-long
- read-long-unsigned
- read-short
- read-short-unsigned
- read-string-bytes
- write-byte
- write-byte-unsigned
- write-bytes
- write-double
- write-float
- write-integer
- write-integer-unsigned
- write-long
- write-long-unsigned
- write-short
- write-short-unsigned
- write-string-bytes
Public variables and functions:
- *zone-id*
- ->instant
- ->str-date-compact
- ->str-date-time-compact
- ->str-date-time-hyphens
- ->str-date-time-iso
- ->str-date-time-nice
- ->str-iso-date
- ->year-quarter
- ->zoned-date-time
- DateTimeStamp
- daynum->LocalDate
- daynum->LocalDate-str
- daynum->monthValue
- daynum->year
- daynum->year-quarter
- fixed-time-point?
- instant
- instant?
- interval-LocalDate-str->daynum
- iso-date-str
- iso-date-time-str
- iso-str->millis
- iso-str->sql-timestamp
- joda-instant?
- LocalDate->Date
- LocalDate->daynum
- LocalDate->Instant
- LocalDate->tagval
- LocalDate->trailing-interval
- LocalDate-interval->days
- LocalDate-str->daynum
- LocalDate-str?
- localdates->day-idxs
- millis->instant
- now->instant
- now->iso-str
- now->iso-str-simple
- now->zdt
- parse-iso-str-nice
- period?
- range
- same-instant?
- secs->instant
- stringify-times
- tagval->LocalDate
- temporal?
- trunc-to-day
- trunc-to-hour
- trunc-to-midnight-friday
- trunc-to-midnight-monday
- trunc-to-midnight-saturday
- trunc-to-midnight-sunday
- trunc-to-midnight-thursday
- trunc-to-midnight-tuesday
- trunc-to-midnight-wednesday
- trunc-to-minute
- trunc-to-month
- trunc-to-second
- trunc-to-year
- walk-instant->str
- walk-instant->timestamp
- walk-LocalDate->tagval
- walk-timestamp->instant
- with-zoneid
- year-quarter?
- year-quarters
- zoned-date-time
- zoned-date-time?
- zoneid-us-alaska
- zoneid-us-aleutian
- zoneid-us-central
- zoneid-us-eastern
- zoneid-us-hawaii
- zoneid-us-mountain
- zoneid-us-pacific
- zoneid-utc
Miscellaneous functions.
Public variables and functions:
- *os-shell*
- boolean->binary
- byte-signed->hex
- byte-signed->unsigned
- byte-unsigned->hex
- byte-unsigned->signed
- bytes-signed->hex-str
- bytes-signed->unsigned
- bytes-unsigned->hex-str
- bytes-unsigned->signed
- dot
- dot-counter-watch-fn
- dots-config!
- edn->sha
- find-pattern
- fn-info
- fn-info-caller
- get-os
- get-path
- hash->hex
- hex->int
- hex-chars
- hex-str->signed-bytes
- hex-str->unsigned-bytes
- hid->wid
- hid?
- int->hex
- log-uncaught-exceptions
- new-hid
- normalized-sorted
- sha-uuid
- shell-cmd
- stacktrace-info
- str->byte-array
- str->sha
- take-dist
- uuid->sha
- walk-map->sorted
- walk-map->sorted-generic
- walk-rec->map
- with-dots
Utils for parsing string values. Provides a thin Clojure wrapper around java native parsing functions such as java.lang.Float/parseFloat. Unlike the original java functions, these native-Clojure functions can be used as higher-order functions in maps, function arguments, etc. Each function also provides an optional default-value which will be returned if there is an exception during parsing.
Public variables and functions:
A superset of `clojure.string` with many added functions.
Public variables and functions:
- ->kabob-kw
- ->kabob-str
- ->snake-kw
- ->snake-str
- alpha?
- alphanumeric?
- blank?
- byte-array->str
- capitalize
- clip-text
- clojurize-key
- collapse-whitespace
- contains-match?
- contains-str-frags?
- contains-str?
- digit?
- drop
- ends-with?
- equals-ignore-spacing?
- escape
- fgrep
- format
- grep
- hex?
- includes?
- increasing-or-equal?
- increasing?
- indent
- indent-lines
- indent-lines-with
- index-of
- join
- last-index-of
- lower-case
- lowercase=
- lowercase?
- nonblank-lines=
- nonblank=
- normalize-str
- not-blank?
- pad-left
- pad-right
- phonetic-alphabet
- pluralize-with
- quotes->double
- quotes->single
- re-quote-replacement
- replace
- replace-first
- reverse
- split
- split-lines
- starts-with?
- str->byte-array
- str->kw-normalized
- str-keep-left
- str-keep-right
- string->stream
- tabs->spaces
- take
- text?
- trim
- trim-newline
- triml
- trimr
- upper-case
- uppercase?
- UTF-8-Charset-Name
- visible?
- walk-clojurize-keys
- walk-keywords->strings
- walk-strings->keywords
- whitespace-collapse
- whitespace-eol?
- whitespace-horiz?
- whitespace-remove
- whitespace?
Tupelo - Making Clojure even sweeter
Type conversion and detection.
Public variables and functions:
- boolean-array?
- byte-array?
- byte?
- char-array?
- character?
- double-array?
- double?
- float-array?
- float?
- int-array?
- integer?
- long-array?
- long?
- object-array?
- short-array?
- short?
- within-bounds-byte-unsigned?
- within-bounds-byte?
- within-bounds-integer-unsigned?
- within-bounds-integer?
- within-bounds-long-unsigned?
- within-bounds-long?
- within-bounds-short-unsigned?
- within-bounds-short?
Convert to/from the URL-safe Y64 encoding. Y64 is a URL-safe variant of Base64 encoding created by Yahoo (YUI library) which replaces URL-problematic chars with URL-safe substitutes. The specific substitutions are: + -> . (plus -> period) / -> _ (slash -> underscore) = -> - (equals -> hyphen) For more information, please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64 http://www.yuiblog.com/blog/2010/07/06/in-the-yui-3-gallery-base64-and-y64-encoding/
Public variables and functions: